Handy Utilities Plugin

Dream it, build it!

Handy Utilities Plugin

Handy Utilities plugin contains a small set of usefull expressions and actions for formating dates as well as creating them directly in your project without the need to know how to program in Javascript, we are trying to make it easy for you.

This Plugin has support for Construct 2 and Construct 3 Runtimes

Download it here.

HTML Tag Utilities



Import CSS data into the project by injecting a code snipet as string. This will create a <style> element in your project affecting all the components. Usefull for formating inputs, text labels and buttons. You may create the CSS file directly in your construct 3 project, then access the file using the AJAX plugin and using AJAX.lastData as the string to be passed to this action.


DataString containing the CSS code to be injected with <style> tag
Requesting CSS project file
Injecting CSS code retrieved by AJAX plugin

Import Script Data

Import Javascript code snipet into the project by injecting it as string. This will create a <script> element in your project. You may create the Javascript files directly in your construct 3 project, then access the file using the AJAX plugin and using AJAX.lastData as the string to be passed to this action.


dataString containing the Javascript code to be injected with <script> tag

Import Script Src

Import Javascript URL into the project by injecting it as string. This will create a <script> element in your project then will set the src attribute to use the one you passed. You may create the Javascript files directly in your construct 3 project, then access the file using the AJAX plugin and using AJAX.lastData as the string to be passed to this action.


dataString containing the Javascript source URL to be used in the <script src=data> tag

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is called using "ga" object. To make it work properly you have to provide the Google Analytics Property ID to make it work.


Google Analytics ID Google Analytics Property ID usually a string un the form of UA-XXXXX-Y
Track Preview ModeEnables tracking in preview mode. This check is meant for testing only, although it won't affect your final HTML export. Is usefull to verify directly in the construct 3 preview if your site is being tracked, and if the events are being sent.


Send Event

Sends an event to Google Analytics console using the ga object as follows.

ga('send', 'event', [eventCategory], [eventAction], [eventLabel], [eventValue])[fieldsObject]);

In your project you just have to call the Send Event action.


eventCategorymandatoryTypically the object that was interacted with (e.g. 'Video')
eventActionmandatoryThe type of interaction (e.g. 'play')
eventLabelUseful for categorizing events (e.g. 'Fall Campaign')
eventValueA numeric value associated with the event (e.g. 42)

Javascript Utilities



Returns browser's current time in milliseconds


Returns browser's current time plus timezone offset in milliseconds


Returns current timestamp un UTC format. (e.g. Mon, 15 Jul 2019 05:31:11 GMT )


Returns a string in the form of HH:MM:SS


millisecondsMilliseconds to convert into HH:MM:SS format


Converts milliseconds into a string representing a date object in UTC format (e.g. Mon, 15 Jul 2019 05:31:11 GMT )


millisecondsMilliseconds to convert into HH:MM:SS format


Creates a Date object based on the parameters and returns its representation in milliseconds.


Milliseconds Milliseconds


Return a Date object as a String, using the ISO standard (e.g. 2019-07-15T05:44:26.745Z )


MillisecondsMilliseconds representing the date to be converted to ISO format